- Tema - Isu Semasa.
- Terbuka kepada 10 pasukan sahaja.
- Setiap Universiti diwajibkan untuk menghantar sekurang-kurangnya 2 pasukan.
- Penyertaan dibuka mengikut sistem 'first come,first served'.
- Pasukan terdiri daripada 3 orang wakil.
- Pasukan itu terbuka sama ada terdiri daripada ikhwah sahaja,akhawat sahaja atau ikhwah akhawat.
- Terma dan syarat berpandukan debat ala parlimen.
- Jadual,tempat dan tajuk akan dimaklumkan kemudian.
- Hadiah dan sijil disediakan.
- Penyertaan dibuka bermula 2 April 2012 sehingga 9 April 2012.
Sebarang penyertaan dan persoalan boleh disalurkan kepada :
Haniz Iqbal bin Hazaidi - 01119273516
Syuhada bt Azhar - 01007409506
- Theme - Current issues.
- The participations are opened to 10 teams only.
- It's compulsory for every universiti to send at least 2 teams and the next participations will be accepted with system 'fisrt come,first served'.
- There must be 3 debaters in each team.
- The members of each team are not restricted to the same gender only and may consist of debaters of both male and female in the same team.
- The terms and conditions are according to the Parliamentary Style Debate.
- The schedule,title and venues will be informed later.
- There will be prizes and certificates of participation.
- Registration is opened starting on the 2nd of April until the 9th of April 2012.
For registrations and enquiries please contact :
Abdullah Hafiz bin Abdul Rahim - 01119548192
Siti Nabilah bt Che Mat - 01000326612
Pertandingan Kuiz Individu Secara dalam Talian (Online)
A.Kelayakan :
- Pertandingan ini terbuka kepada semua ahli PERUBATAN Universiti Kaherah,Ain Shams dan Al-Azhar.
- Bagi mahasiswa/wi jurusan perubatan,pertandingan ini terbuka kepada mahasiswa tahun 1-5.
- Bagi mahasiswa/wi jurusan pergigian,pertandingan ini terbuka kepada mahasiswa/wi pra pergigian (pre-dental) hingga tahun 3.
B.Tatacara pertandingan :
Pertandingan ini terbahagi kepada 2 peringkat :
- Peringkat Saringan : Pertandingan secara online
- Peringkat Akhir : Pertandingan secara bertulis
C.Peringkat Saringan :
- Bentuk soalan secara talian berbentuk Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
- Soalan Kuiz Akademik untuk setiap subjek akan dibuka selama 3 hari melalui Blog rasmi MeM 2012 pada tarikh-tarikh berikut :
- 7-9 April 2012
- 10-12 April 2012
- 15-17 April 2012
- Setiap peserta perlulah menjawab semua soalan dan mengisi butir-butir yang diperlukan pada borang dalam talian.
- Markah tertinggi yang terkumpul selama 9 hari akan melayakkan peserta untuk mara ke peringkat akhir.
D.Peringkat Akhir :
- Pertandingan peringkat akhir akan berlangsung seperti berikut :
- Tarikh - Khamis (19 April 2012)*
- Masa - 2-4 petang*
- Tempat - Markaz Abou Risy bagi pelajar jurusan perubatan dan Markaz Hayyu Sabi'e bagi pelajar jurusan pergigian.
- Hanya akan ada seorang pemenang saja bagi setiap kategori (seramai 5 orang daripada jurusan perubatan dan 4 orang daripada jurusan pergigian)
*Setiap perubahan akan diberitahu kemudian
Pertandingan Kuiz Berkumpulan
A.Kelayakan :
- Pertandingan ini terbuka kepada semua ahli PERUBATAN Universiti Kaherah,Ain Shams dan Al-Azhar jurusan perubatan dan pergigian.
- Setiap pasukan daripada setiap universiti mestilah terdiri daripada 3 orang sahaja.
- Pasukan yang terdiri daripada peserta daripada tahun berbeza adalah dibenarkan malah digalakkan.
- Pasukan yang terdiri daripada peserta lelaki dan perempuan juga adalah dibenarkan.
B.Pendaftaran :
- Setiap universiti diwajibkan untuk menghantar sekurang-kurangnya 2 pasukan.
- Pendaftaran dibuka pada 2 April 2012.Pendaftaran bolehlah dilakukan pada :
- Afiq Zharif bin Hussin - 01116058700 ; fb - Afiq Zharif Hussin
- Hammadah bt Esmet Sidqie - 01149082843 ; fb - Hammadah Esmet
C.Tatacara pertandingan :
- Pertandingan ini terbahagi kepada 2 peringkat :
- Peringkat saringan
- Peringkat akhir
- Cara bermain :
- Tema soalan - berorientasikan kuiz kesihatan (pengetahuan umum dan perkembangan terkini teknologi sains kesihatan)
- Pertandingan ini akan berlangsung selama 5 pusingan.
- Dalam setiap pusingan,peserta akan memilih nombor kad soalan.
- Moderator akan membacakan item-item yang terdapat pada kad tersebut :
- Soalan beserta markah
- Bonus kad tersebut (contoh - hilang 1 giliran,tambah 1 lagi giliran,mendapat markah 2 kali ganda dan lain-lain.
- Pasukan yang berjaya mengumpul markah tertinggi akan dikira sebagai pemenang.
D.Peringkat saringan :
Pertandingan peringkat saringan akan berlangsung seperti berikut :
- Tarikh - Jumaat (13 April 2012)*
- Masa - 7.30 malam*
- Tempat - Markaz Abou Risy dan Markaz Hayyu Sabie'*
E.Peringkat Akhir :
- Pertandingan peringkat separuh akhir dan akhir akan berlangsung seperti berikut :
- Tarikh - Khamis (19 April 2012)*
- Masa - 2-4 petang*
- Tempat - Markaz Abbasiah
- Hanya akan ada satu pasukan sahaja yang bakal menjuarai pertandingan ini.
*Setiap perubahan akan diberitahu kemudian.
Sebarang penyertaan dan soalan boleh disalurkan kepada :
Afiq Zharif bin Hussin - 01116058700 ; fb - Afiq Zharif Hussin
Hammadah bt Esmet Sidqie - 01149082843 ; fb - Hammadah Esmet
- Participant can choose to submit the article in English or Malay language.
- Each entry should be more than 1500 words.
- Each entry should be doubled space and using font Arial size 12.
- Each entry must be the participant's original work and have not been published in professional media.Plagiarism will be disqualified.
- We reserve First Right on all submissions, all other rights to the article remains the property of the author.
- Each entry must be submitted to BLOG MeM from 6th to 16th of April 2012.
- The participant can choose to write the article about health science which is related to MeM's theme or ftom the title we listed below :
- gender confusion, genetical or hormonal
- children mind reprogramming
- homeopathy, is it still relevant?
- human brain transplantation from a 'chimera'
- the 5th sense of taste : umami
- a desired child from the best sperm
- nanoprobes the immunity protector
- organ 'photocopy' technology
- stem cell technology
- biomedical engineering should be explored
- Each entry will be evaluated based on the voting online and the evaluation of the judges.We encourage participants to promote their article to others by clicking the 'LIKE' button below each entry.
- Scoring will be made by the judges and there is provision of a score for the most 'LIKE' article.The decisions of the judges are final.
- It is compulsory for every university (Cairo,Ain Shams,Al-Azhar) to send at least 3 entries.
- Example of the article format :
- Introduction
- Elaboration 1
- Elaboration 2
- Elaboration 3
- Others (elaborations can be made as long as you want)
- Conclusion
- Name
- Grade
- Faculty
- University
Should there be any enquiries please contact:
Mohamad Suaidi b Mohamad Sazali - 01271993220
Khairun Zamiela bt Mohd Rohimi - 01114960761
- This contest is open to all PERUBATAN members of Cairo,Ain Shams and Al-Azhar University.
- Theme/Title : read for the future lead the world
- Entrants must be based on the theme given and relate it with professionalism and reading habit by your own interpretation and creativity.
- Entrants must provide a name,year,university and valid email address.
- Participants are encouraged to use English in the video.The use of English will be given further considerations and extra marks.
- The duration of the video is between 3-5 minutes.
- The criteria considered to choose the the winners are based on :
- Content/messages
- Image and video quality
- Additional graphics and music backgrounds.
- Creativity.
- The winners will be chosen based on voting system and jury panel selected by our committee members.
- Vote can be made only once by each person for each video but they can choose more than one videos to be voted.
- The decisions by the jury shall be final and no correspondence or discussion will be entered into.
- Winners may be requested to take part in promotional activity and Academic Bureau of PERUBATAN reserves the right to publish the names of the winners and re-use their videos.
- The video maker must be the sole author and owner of the copyright of all entries.
- All entries are submitted at the video maker's own risk and the organizers regret that they cannot accept liability for any loss,delay or damage occurring to any pictures entered in the competition.
- By submitting your entry to the competition, you give PERUBATAN the right to reproduce,exhibit, print or use in any form the entry.
- The closing date to submit the video to responsible committee is 15/4/2012.
- Voting session will be opened on 16th of April until 18th of April 2012.
Should there be any enquiries please contact :
Muhammad Abdullah b Noordin - 01144420873
Nursufia Hanim bt Mat Nawi - 01146689611
- Contest is opened to all PERUBATAN members in Cairo only.
- Mini library must be of the participant's own.
- Contest is opened to individuals or groups (consist of housemates).
- Entries must be submitted before the facebook poll opened (14/4/2012)
- Entries should include the following :
- Participant's name, year, university, contact number and address.
- Photo of the mini library.
- A catchphrase of the mini library based on Mem 2012's theme ; Read for the future,Lead the world.
- Winners will be selected by polling based on the number of 'Like' on facebook and judges' evaluation.
- Judges will select the best 5 entries.
- Judges will evaluate the mini library at the contestants' home as part of the judging procedure.
- By submitting materials to PERUBATAN, the contestants acknowlege and agree that PERUBATAN shall have the rights to use any materials such as photos and quotes submitted.
- Any entries that do not meet the terms and conditions will be disqualified.
- Facebook poll will start on 15/4/2012 and end on (17/4/2012)
- Judges' evaluation will be made at (18-19/42012)
promotion and open for registration.
date for entries
poll based on “Likes” will open
is to be announced at MEM closing ceremony
Contest consists of 2 rounds of evaluations :
Round 1 : All PERUBATAN members are allowed to vote for the best photos with the best catchphrase via fecebook poll, based on 'Like'.The 5 entries with the highest number of 'Likes' will be selected and proceed to Round 2.
Round 2 : The judges in charge will make a visit to the contestant's home for evaluation process.
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